Islamic Spirituality for Confidence Practical Steps to Mental Well-being

It shows that spirituality in Islam can be a source of self-confidence. This refers to how Islamic beliefs, worship and values can help a person feel more confident in their lives.

Selfconfidence in Islam – Islamic Spirituality for Confidence: Practical Steps to Mental Well-being (This title is more direct and informative, highlighting the practical application of Islamic spirituality. The inclusion of “mental well-being” broadens the appeal.)


Islamic Spirituality for Confidence Practical Steps to Mental Well-being, Selfconfidence in Islam, The confidence that you can get what you want to say across, and the patience and thoroughness you must have to be sane and earn the judgment of colleagues.

This time I am writing the second article about confidence, whether you believe it or not, for example, I am one of those people who are easily down and not confident anymore.

It feels like the world is all alone, but I think that way.

I felt down and unconfident, so how did I build that confidence? It took a long time, and to be honest, I was really in a position of not being confident.

I assumed that I would always fail, so I decided to work harder, get sicker, and of course, put a lot of pressure on myself.

Now I crumbled as time went on because I probably had a selfish, arrogant attitude and felt that I was above everything.

Eventually, I decided to take a short break to the point where I had to slowly change my mentality back to my old self who thought logically, that not being in a hurry was the result of being hurt by someone, so if I wasn’t wrong, of course, I was wrong too.

Therefore, for once, I wanted to trust myself again and decided to take a short break from social media and interact with others until I could meet people who could rebuild the times when I was mentally and physically healthy.

So, how do I get my confidence back?

Confidence Levels Affect Mental HealthIt turns out, a person’s confidence level can affect their mental health. This is why you should understand what causes poor self-confidence and how to boost it.


Self-confidence is a valuable tool for personal development. Although poor self-esteem is not considered a mental health illness, there is a strong correlation between how we view ourselves and our overall mental and emotional health.

So, someone with high self-esteem feels that they are a worthy person who can see their positive characteristics and strive to live a happy and successful life. While someone with low self-esteem is usually pessimistic about themselves, they also believe that they are not worthy of love, happiness, or success.

Then how to increase self-confidence, in the Creator of this Universe, especially God, of course, there are a lot of Hadiths and even Allah SWT tells you to heal yourself away from what makes you sick, Psychologists, Psychiatrists, and that will be a helping medicine, and of course speak nicely or leave nicely so that all misunderstandings do not occur.
Especially parents who want to know, in the condition of their children, if we have recovered from it then declare I have recovered.

There are many factors for how to heal yourself and raise that confidence, one of which is the following like.

But before referring to that, let’s get to know more first.

1. What Does Losing Confidence Feel Like?

Losing confidence can feel like:

  • Doubting your abilities
  • Feeling not good enough compared to others
  • Fear of failure or being criticized
  • Difficulty making decisions
  • Feeling worthless or unimportant

2. Causes of Loss of Self-Confidence.

Some factors that can lead to a loss of self-confidence:

  • Failure or rejection → Failure in work, relationships, or education can make a person feel like they are not good enough.
  • Excessive criticism → Being criticized too often, especially from childhood, can form a negative mindset about oneself.
  • Comparison with others → Social media and the environment can often make one feel left behind or not as good as others.
  • Too many expectations → Demanding yourself to be perfect can lead to insecurity when you fail.
  • Lack of social support → An unsupportive or toxic environment can make one feel worthless.

3. How to get your confidence back.

Rebuilding confidence takes time and effort. Here are some steps you can try:

a. Improve Mindset.

  • Change negative self-talk → Change thoughts like “I am a failure” to “I am learning and growing, “I am no fail ” to I am Learning because god Wants me to grow.”
  • Accept imperfections → No one is perfect, and that’s okay. Focus on progress, not perfection, focus on the spiritual, and talk with yourself after prayer.
  • Stop comparing yourself to others → Everyone has their life journey. Focus on your achievements.

b. Build Positive Habits

  • Start small → Take on small challenges and enjoy the process. Small successes can build confidence gradually.
  • Take care of your physical health → Exercising, getting enough sleep, and eating healthy can have a huge impact on your mental state and confidence.
  • Practice new skills → Learning new things can help boost your sense of competence and confidence.

c. Surround Yourself with Positive Support

  • Find a supportive environment → Being around positive and supportive people can help you feel better.
  • Reduce negative exposure → Avoid social media or people who make you feel bad about yourself.

d. Dare to Take Action

  • Get out of your comfort zone → Try new challenges even if they feel scary. The more you do, the more confident you will become.
  • Practice speaking up and expressing yourself → It could be by public speaking, writing, or sharing your opinions with others.

The important point is to get out of your comfort zone, you must be able to build your mentality in the past whether you can or not, but there is no need to worry, you can go to psychology, or Islamic Religious Partition so that you can find your life purpose and confidence slowly.

4. Confidence Recovery Process

Confidence recovery cannot be instant, but gradual:

  • Recognize the problem → Identify what is causing the lack of confidence you can go to a psychological doctor.
  • Challenge the negative mindset → Change the perspective of failure and yourself into something of a life test that you can get through with full patience to Allah SWT.
  • Take small steps → Start small and build up slowly.
  • Build healthy habits → Practice skills, take care of yourself, and maintain a positive mindset or you can use Meditation, Yoga, etc.
  • Evaluate and adjust → Continue to learn from experience and grow.

Many studies have shown that poor self-confidence can harm one’s mental health. So, the following are factors that exacerbate poor self-confidence in a person, and you should be aware of them as they can impact mental health. These include:

Bad relationships. As social creatures, humans always try to communicate with others. A bad relationship will eventually lead to bad feelings and impressions of oneself, resulting in poor mental health. This can be seen when someone experiences a breakup because their partner cheated on them. Subconsciously, they believe that they are not perfect and that their partner will betray them. As a result, one may feel inferior and shut down.
But for that, you don’t have to worry you can do good things to see around you that you are not alone in this world.

Addiction. According to psychological research, low self-esteem in infancy and early adulthood can lead to addiction later in life. Many addicts use things like drugs or alcohol to cope with their poor self-image. However, over time, this form of escape develops into an addiction, which has negative consequences in this addiction you can consult a doctor to prevent it.

Depression and anxiety. Low self-esteem is often associated with other mental health issues such as sadness and anxiety. It’s difficult to determine which came first, but the combination of the two has an impact on mental health. Someone who already has a mental illness may have low self-esteem as a result of the societal stigma associated with mental illness. Stigma can foster the belief that they have failed or are unfit to join society and become a loner to the point of depression.

The Importance of Self-Confidence in Mental Health.

It is very important to develop one’s self-esteem. When we learn to love ourselves, we strive for a better life, whether that means healthier relationships, a more fulfilling job, or recovery from addiction. However, changing our deeply ingrained beliefs about ourselves is difficult, and experts often provide treatment. Cognitive behavioral therapy is one type of treatment that can be used.

The key to developing self-confidence comes from within. You must question and change these negative beliefs into more positive ones. Learning to value and care for your mind and body through a healthy lifestyle is also important. A healthy diet, regular exercise, and meditation can help you regain confidence physically and mentally.

Engaging with loved ones is also very important. Feeling liked and supported is an excellent approach to start building self-esteem. If you don’t have close friends or family, you can try joining a support group or even volunteering. Helping others can make you feel important to others.

In the Qur’an Self-confidence needs to be improved mentally as well as religiously, examples of depression and excessive anxiety are in the content of this verse.

Anxiety and stress are psychological problems that are increasingly common in modern life. One of the relevant Qur’anic verses discussing how to overcome stress and anxiety is verse 40 of surah An-Nazi’at. In Quraish Shihab’s interpretation, self-control or tazkiyah is mentioned as an important step in facing various life challenges that can trigger anxiety and stress. This research aims to explore how Quraish Shihab’s view on the interpretation of QS. An-Nazi’at verse 40 and relate it to the psychological approach to managing stress and anxiety. Through qualitative methods and literature studies, this study found that the concept of self-control is explained in QS. An-Nazi’at verse 40 has a strong connection with current stress management methods. Thus, the spiritual approach in Islam, particularly through tazkiyah, can be an effective way to help individuals deal with stress and anxiety in everyday life.


وَاَمَّا مَنۡ خَافَ مَقَامَ رَبِّهٖ وَ نَهَى النَّفۡسَ عَنِ الۡهَوٰىۙ‏ ٤٠

And as for those who fear the greatness of their Lord and refrain from their lusts,

But if you want calm recommend Surahs that can help alleviate anxiety.

Surah Duha, Surah 93

Anxiety and stress are psychological problems that arise more and more frequently in modern life, and you calm self-confidence.

وَالضُّحٰىۙ‏ ١


By the morning sunlight,

وَالَّيۡلِ اِذَا سَجٰىۙ‏ ٢

Wallayli itha saja

and the night when it falls still!

مَا وَدَّعَكَ رَبُّكَ وَمَا قَلٰىؕ‏ ٣

Ma waddaAAaka rabbuka wama qala

Your Lord ˹O Prophet˺ has not abandoned you, nor has He become hateful ˹of you˺.

وَلَـلۡاٰخِرَةُ خَيۡرٌ لَّكَ مِنَ الۡاُوۡلٰىؕ‏ ٤

Walal-akhiratu khayrun laka minaal-oola

And the next life is certainly far better for you than this one.

وَلَسَوۡفَ يُعۡطِيۡكَ رَبُّكَ فَتَرۡضٰىؕ‏ ٥

Walasawfa yuAAteeka rabbuka fatarda

And ˹surely˺ your Lord will give so much to you that you will be pleased.

اَلَمۡ يَجِدۡكَ يَتِيۡمًا فَاٰوٰى ٦

Alam yajidka yateeman faawa

Did He not find you as an orphan then sheltered you?

وَوَجَدَكَ ضَآ لًّا فَهَدٰى٧

Wawajadaka dallan fahada

Did He not find you unguided then guided you?

وَوَجَدَكَ عَآٮِٕلًا فَاَغۡنٰىؕ‏ ٨

Wawajadaka AAa-ilan faaghna

And did He not find you needy then satisfied your needs?

فَاَمَّا الۡيَتِيۡمَ فَلَا تَقۡهَرۡؕ‏ ٩

Faamma alyateema fala taqhar

So do not oppress the orphan,

وَاَمَّا السَّآٮِٕلَ فَلَا تَنۡهَرۡؕ‏ ١٠

Waamma assa-ila falatanhar

nor repulse the beggar.

وَاَمَّا بِنِعۡمَةِ رَبِّكَ فَحَدِّثۡ١١

Waamma biniAAmati rabbika fahaddith

And proclaim the blessings of your Lord.

In the Qur’an, self-confidence is defined as belief in one’s God-given abilities, without being arrogant or feeling better than others. Self-confidence in Islam also means recognizing and appreciating the potential that Allah has given.

Surah Ali Imran verse 139,

وَلَا تَهِنُوۡا وَ لَا تَحۡزَنُوۡا وَاَنۡتُمُ الۡاَعۡلَوۡنَ اِنۡ كُنۡتُمۡ مُّؤۡمِنِيۡنَ‏ ١٣٩

Wala tahinoo wala tahzanoowaantumu al-aAAlawna in kuntum mu/mineen

if you have suffered a blow, they too have suffered one like it. We deal out such days among people in turn, for God to find out who truly believes, for Him to choose martyrs from among you- God does not love evildoers-

which says: “Do not be weak and do not grieve, but you are the highest of people if you are believers”.

Surah At-Thaha verses 25-28, which provide lessons on how to build self-confidence through recognition of personal weaknesses and supplication to Allah for help.

قَالَ رَبِّ اشۡرَحۡ لِىۡ صَدۡرِىْ ۙ‏ ٢٥

Qala rabbi ishrah lee sadree

Moses said, ‘Lord, lift up my heart

وَيَسِّرۡ لِىۡۤ اَمۡرِىْ ۙ‏

Wayassir lee amree

and ease my task for me.

وَاحۡلُلۡ عُقۡدَةً مِّنۡ لِّسَانِیْ ۙ‏ ٢٧

Wahlul AAuqdatan min lisanee

Untie my tongue,

يَفۡقَهُوۡا قَوۡلِیْ ‏ ٢٨

Yafqahoo qawlee

so that they may understand my words,

Self-confidence is an important element in achieving success and happiness and has a significant positive relationship with learning motivation. has a significant positive relationship with learning motivation. However, many individuals face challenges in building their self-confidence due to social pressure and negative experiences.
In this context, this study explores sources of motivation from a Quranic perspective, specifically through Surah At-Thaha verses 25-28, which describes Prophet Musa’s plea to Allah for peace and ease in facing life’s challenges. Tafsir Al-Misbah by Quraish Shihab provides insight that self-confidence should be built on faith in God and recognition of one’s potential.

in Allah and recognition of one’s potential. This study also highlights the importance of social support, appreciation, and a supportive environment in building self-confidence. Using a qualitative
qualitative approach and literature review, the results show that self-confidence can be strengthened through spiritual relationships, internal reinforcement, and recognition of one’s potential.
spiritual connection, internal reinforcement, and recognition of personal weaknesses, which in turn encourages individuals to dare to express themselves and reach their full potential. The research This research is expected to inspire readers to apply the values of the Quran in their daily lives, to increase self-confidence and freedom of expression.


Spiritual religion itself. What I do is believe back to the creator even though I think you are alone today, tomorrow, or next year believe me you are not alone you have a god who is always with you, and you will believe that God will give patience to patient people, both love relationships, careers, and families, of course this spiritual takes time as long as our minds, I have to go back to the Creator of this universe, I say that I did not fail, that I am not alone, that I can, it’s all because I was created by God through trials with patience, God said twice in difficulty there must be ease, in narrowness there must be ease, in despair there must be happiness.

Believing that you can get what you want to convey and full of patience and thoroughness will get an assessment from colleagues. That’s what makes me believe that God is good, he doesn’t leave us even though many people underestimate us, so let’s improve ourselves slowly but surely there must be wisdom.

